We left our dorm life this morning to board a bus for what turned out to be a 5 hour trip due to the rain. It's become a subject of all British attention- how much rain and the flooding going on around the country. It was so bad in Stratford that it was impassable for our coach, or any other vehicle, so we made the trip south with just two stops along the highway.
While we headed down to London we heard from our bus driver that our previous driver, Alf, was driving the Liverpool First Team from Heathrow to a hotel across the street from our hotel. So Coach Parry and I took our cameras, my video and his still, over to the hotel to see if we could catch a glimpse of the team who were returning from Switzerland and on their way to China. We waited it out and finally caught everyone coming off the bus and into the hotel. Coach Parry took advantage and encouraged Steven Gerrard, the Liverpool captain and superstar, to have a great season- which Gerrard returned with a thumbs up to the camera.
We had dinner tonight together and then spent an hour or so in our room reflecting on the trip. Each player had the chance to talk about their favorite memory from the trip and what we can take back to LF from our trip. There responses touched on every day of the tour, with the exception of today of course, and really reflected the quality of the tour itself. The guys took personal and team goals away from the week as well- things that I recorded and we'll talk about throughout the upcoming season.
Coach Douglass and Coach Parry
Coach Douglass....can you recommend the best way, if any, to save the blog? I did a copy and paste to Word, but wonder if there is a better way?
Teri Shockey
You should be able to have access to the blog for the foreseeable future. I'll certainly research how we can "save" it, but the link should be good for life, if not, I'll switch it to a different extension (domain name) and we'll let everyone know that address is- if we have to change it for any reason.
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